Managing External Sharing in SharePoint Online

A question I frequently hear from clients when moving to Office 365 and SharePoint online, is how can I manage external sharing?

Maybe an organization does not want to allow content to be shared with external users, or allow users direct access to documents without first having an account and logging in. There are many different situations and requirements which may need to have the external sharing settings tweaked.

To do so, go into your SharePoint Online Admin Center


and select Settings from the left-side navigation


And then once there (and currently it is the second header down on the right side of the screen), choose one of the options which firs your requirements.

  • Don’t allow sharing outside your organization
  • Allow external users who accept sharing invitations and sign in as authenticated users
  • Allow both external users who accept sharing invitations and anonymous guest links


“All People” view in SharePoint 2010

One thing we have seemed to have lost is the “All People” link when managing users and groups from SharePoint 2007 in 2010, as shown below from a 2007 site.


However, in SharePoint 2010, this link does not exist… Have no fear however. If you have copy & paste skills, you can get back there. It still exists. Just copy the URL from your 2007 site

And drop the protocol, port, and host sections of the URL out, and use that with the protocol, host, and port of your 2010 site, and you are good to go.

Simple and easy way to get back to that view. Then just add this as a favorite, or, even better yet, create a CustomAction to add it into the toolbar, or site settings page in 2010.