Oh, hey everyone!

Hey folks! This blog has gone a little stagnant for a while. I’ve been busy, and have not been able to dedicate many of the working day hours to upkeep here.

But I hope to change that going forward. Within the past two years I have started up a YoueTube channel for some of my many hobbies (woodworking, metalworking, leatherworking, and just about ever other maker-thing you can think of, and some you have not) here at The New Janky Workshop. So, check that out (and subscribe!) if you’re into that sort of thing!

With that personal endeavour, I’ve also REALLY gotten into video editing and publishing (because yes, I need MOAR hobbies). So, I am going to try to semi-regularly post to my new channel, for things Microsoft, SharePointy, and other M365 topics (and also Azure, PowerShell, and other goodness). So, if you’re interested in that stuff (which, by the sake of you being on this post at all, likely means that you are). Please check it out: The SharePoint Yankee (and also subscribe there too!).

It’s brand new (so new, in fact, I just posted a quick short video today on it as my first one…). So, follow along, leave comments there or here on how you like the videos, what you’d like to see, and more, and I’ll get cracking on it.


Slides from the North American Collaboration Summit 2019

As promised, here are my slides from the North American Collaboration Summit 2019 presentation from yesterday, “Using Azure Runbooks to Automate SharePoint Tasks”

Speaking at SharePoint Saturday San Juan


I am pleased to announce I will be speaking at SharePoint Saturday San Juan on November 3rd.

Register today at http://www.spsevents.org/city/sanjuan/sanjuan2018

The Microsoft Office 365 and Cloud community invites you to the second 365 & SharePoint office on Saturday to be held in San Juan.

It is a totally free event in which you will find technical and development sessions focused on Microsoft Collaboration tools such as SharePoint, Office 365, Integration with Azure, Power Apps, Flow, Project, Planner, OneDrive, Delve, SharePoint Framework, Power BI, Dynamics CRM, Blockchain among others. We will have the company of MVPs and specialized technical leaders in each of the different types of talks.

I will be presenting Using Azure Runbooks and Microsoft Flow to Automate SharePoint Tasks

Session Abstract

Runbooks are a feature of Azure Automation that allow you to execute workflows from within Azure or remotely to automate processes. Microsoft Flow allows you to attach to certain activities in SharePoint and across other platforms, to perform a task when a certain condition is met. In this session, you will learn how to link SharePoint Online, Microsoft Flow, and Azure Runbooks in order to execute scripts automatically against your SharePoint tenant, or really, perform or automate any task.

Hope to see you there!

Speaking at SharePoint Saturday New England 2018


I am pleased to announce I will be speaking at SharePoint Saturday New England. Taking place on Saturday, October 20th, at the Microsoft office in Burlington, MA.

Register today at https://spsnewengland.org/

Carrying on the great tradition of SharePoint Saturday started by Michael Lotter, Susan Lennon, and Kevin Israel on January 10th, 2009 in Virginia Beach, we hope to welcome you to SharePoint Saturday New England.

Join New England area SharePoint architects, developers, and information workers for SharePoint Saturday: an educational, informative and lively day filled with sessions from other SharePoint professionals, MVPs, and Microsoft employees. SharePoint Saturday is FREE, open to the public and is your chance to immerse yourself in SharePoint right here in New England!

I will be presenting Using Azure Runbooks and Microsoft Flow to Automate SharePoint Tasks

Session Abstract

Runbooks are a feature of Azure Automation that allow you to execute workflows from within Azure or remotely to automate processes. Microsoft Flow allows you to attach to certain activities in SharePoint and across other platforms, to perform a task when a certain condition is met. In this session, you will learn how to link SharePoint Online, Microsoft Flow, and Azure Runbooks in order to execute scripts automatically against your SharePoint tenant, or really, perform or automate any task.

Hope to see you there!

Registration is now OPEN for SharePoint Saturday New England 2018!


Registration is now OPEN!

Registration is available for SharePoint Saturday New England on October 20 in Burlington, MA. We’ve also posted the agenda. You can find out everything about this year’s event on our Web site: https://SPSNewEngland.org

To register, please go to https://spsne.news/Register2018

We hope to see you this year!

Speaking at the Granite State SharePoint Users Group on Thursday, April 5

In case you missed my session last month at the Boston Area SharePoint Users Group, I will be delivering my session “Easily Integrating a Chat Bot into SharePoint” at the Granite State SharePoint Users Group next month, on Thursday, April 5th.

Session Abstract

​Chat Bots are very commonplace these days. They have been around for years, but advances in AI technology have allowed for a large growth and advances in this area. Microsoft has in preview a service called QnA Maker, that will allow you to create and build a Chat Bot that you can easily integrate into SharePoint using the Azure Bot Framework, all without writing a single line of code. Join me, and I’ll walk you through step-by-step on this process, along with discussing how and where Chat Bots can be used to provide better adoption and support to your users.

Click here for more information and to register! Hope to see you there!

Disable Minimal Download Strategy Across All Sites and Site Collections via PowerShell

Minimal Download Strategy… the bane of pretty much everyone’s existence… well, at least in SharePoint. Especially if you’re using JavaScript (who would do that?!).  It’s useless. And while it was created for a good purpose, I have yet to come across a client that actually needed it over the pains it generally causes.

I recently had a client ask me to remove it from everything (hear that large cheering section in the stadium?)… so I threw together a script that will disable it from every site in a web application. Here she is!

# Load the SharePoint PowerShell Module… if not running this in the SharePoint Console…
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell –ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# URL to our web application
$WebApp = "https://sharepoint.sharepont.sharepoint.com"
# Get all webs within a web application
$Webs = Get-SPWebApplication $WebApp | Get-SPSite -Limit All | Get-SPWeb -Limit All

# Loop through said webs
foreach ($Web in $Webs)
    # Is MDS enabled?
    $MDSEnabled = Get-SPFeature -web $Web.URL  | Where-object {$_.DisplayName -eq "MDSFeature"}
    # If it is… disable it!
    if ($MDSEnabled -ne $null)
        Disable-SPFeature –identity "MDSFeature" -URL $Web.URL -confirm:$false

Boston Area SharePoint Users Group March 13, 2018 Meeting

Join us from anywhere! For the first time we’re doing a Skype-only meeting. Read the below for more information, and go here to register! Skype details will be mailed out tomorrow to all registered attendees after registration closes at 5PM EST.

The Boston Area SharePoint Users Group (BASPUG) was founded to bring together like minds to network and share their experiences, triumphs, and tribulations around Microsoft SharePoint, to provide a community platform for Boston area SharePoint users, administrators, developers, architects, of all experience levels, even brand new to SharePoint, to share their knowledge with the community.


Andrew Connell will be presenting "Building Client Web Parts with the SharePoint Framework"
Session Abstract

​The new SharePoint Framework allows development of client side web parts that work on both modern and classic SharePoint pages. In this session you’ll learn how to put the Framework to work building and deploying these web parts. You’ll learn how to develop web parts that are editable from the SharePoint page, and that are responsive and look like part of the overall SharePoint experience. Don’t miss this opportunity to hit the ground running with this new SharePoint development model.

About the Speaker

Andrew Connell is a full stack web developer with a focus on Microsoft Azure & Office 365, specifically the Office 365 APIs, SharePoint, Microsoft’s .NET Framework / .NET Core, Angular, Node.js and Docker that enjoys development, writing & teaching… if it’s cutting edge web you will find Andrew there! He has received Microsoft’s MVP award every year since 2005 and has helped thousands of developers through the various courses he’s authored and taught both in-person & in online courses. Recently he launched his own on-demand video platform, Voitanos (https://www.voitanos.io) to deliver his on-demand video training.

Throughout the years Andrew has been fortunate enough to share what he has learned at conferences like Microsoft’s TechEd, Build, Ignite & SharePoint conferences, Angular’s ngConf & AngularU, SPTechCon, SP Live 360, and Techorama among many others all around the world in North America, Europe, Asia & Australia. You can find Andrew on his popular blog (http://www.andrewconnell.com), follow him on Twitter @andrewconnell, check out some of the numerous projects he’s involved in on GitHub (http://www.github.com/andrewconnell) or listen to his popular weekly podcast, The Microsoft Cloud Show (http://www.microsoftcloudshow.com), which is focused on Microsoft cloud services such as Azure and Office 365 as well as the competitive cloud landscape.​


​For the first time, we’ll be doing a completely remote meeting over Skype! Skype meeting details will sent out after registration has closed on the day of the meeting, around 5PM on March 13, 2018. So, please register in advance to make sure you receive the details!

Join our group on LinkedIn today to connect with the rest of the BASPUG members, and spread the word!

We are also on facebook! http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Boston-Area-SharePoint-User-Group/113652405354617

Follow news about the Boston Area SharePoint Users Group on twitter by following us @BASPUG, and by using the hashtag #BASPUG

Visit the Boston Area SharePoint Users Group website at http://www.bostonsharepointug.org

Event meetings are organized by Geoff Varosky of BlueMetal and James Restivo of Crow Canyon Systems.

Please visit The Boston SharePoint Area Users Group page for more event details!

Have questions about Boston Area SharePoint Users Group March 13, 2018 Meeting? Contact Boston Area SharePoint Users Group

Slides from February 13, 2018 BASPUG Meeting

Thank you all who came out last night to see my presentation at the Boston Area SharePoint Users Group last night!

As promised, here are my slides from the presentation, hosted on SlideShare:

And here is a link to the blog post which contains all of the steps we demoed during the presentation: https://sharepointyankee.com/2018/01/23/creating-a-chat-bot-with-microsofts-qna-maker-and-azure-bot-service/